Lobo Lane Update for the 2024-2025 Season

It has been a little while since we have posted here, and I (Zach) want to update you on what the 2024-2025 season and likely the following years will look like with Lobo Lane. The last few years have been a challenge for me to put a ton of focus on writing here, and I am someone who wants to put good stuff out instead of just putting stuff out there. For the first time really since 2020, I have the energy and focus to finally put out good stuff regularly, and I am beyond excited to be able to do that. This will be our 10th year of covering UNM Lobo Athletics, which is insane that it has already been that long. Here’s the update on what things will look like moving forward.

The role of Jono won’t change much from the last couple of years, but there is a chance that he will be on the Lobo Lane Pod from time to time, and may post every so often. I’m thankful for everything that my brother Jono has done for Lobo Lane and me. This will always have the fingerprints of Jono and what he’s done for this site. I hope that we will be able to find time for him to connect with you all on this platform.

Now on to the bigger part of this update:

  • The Lobo Lane Pod is coming back! I will be starting to record episodes this week with the idea of posting a handful of podcasts every week! What exactly this will look like, I’m not entirely sure, but most likely there will be a decent number of solo pods. As the season goes along the hope is to be able to have regular guests, and people that you would want to hear from. During the fall expect podcasts for football, soccer, volleyball, and cross country, with lead-ups to the upcoming basketball seasons for both men’s and women’s programs. I also plan on having mail-bag-type episodes every so often. I’m excited to get this back up and running and you’ll get the information on how to listen to the podcasts as soon as they are recorded.
  • Blog post regularity will be getting back to the OG days with IB Luc and Bob Bobbins (Can’t believe that was 9 years ago). I have missed writing previews and write-ups on every sport and giving a spotlight to players and coaches that don’t get that much attention, that will be back and I am excited to share their stories and the ups and downs of the journeys of a season. Expect previews, game recaps AKA Zach’s Reacts, running blogs, other general posts, and a few long posts throughout the year!
  • If you don’t know I am helping Brandon Mason and others at Albuquerque Prep, and we have a lot of exciting changes that are happening this year! We will be moving into a new facility when it is ready, we have a Prep Girls Program for the first time and are entering year 4 of the Prep Boys program. The foundation is there and I will be doing a lot of podcasting, likely some video, and other things around Albuquerque Prep including media training. Be on the lookout for those things, there could be some future Lobos, along with Brandon Mason, Dairese Gary, Chris Perez, and Darren Prentice. I hope that you will also look out for ways to support the things that are happening around this program and club teams. Huge things are coming to the NM/Albuquerque Hoops scene and it’s about to get crazy around here.
  • If you also follow Starting Blox Studios, there will be more things coming with that project this next year and I am excited to see the growth with that. Starting Blox Studios is just me at the moment and I am excited to see the potential growth of things there. This will have no ties to UNM Athletics but I will be doing some things that may interest you. So if you have an interest in anything that is happening over there feel free to follow Starting Blox Studios to stay up with everything that will be happening over there.
  • The last big thing that I have been planning and working on over the last few years is a new project that is about ready to see the light of day. The hope is to have it up and running in the next couple of months. The project is called Project More Than This, which will be a multi-media and in-person project that focuses on growth and helping others grow. This will include videos, podcasts, leadership/mentorship classes (probably later), writings, and others. A lot of the in-person aspects of this project will be happening with the student-athletes that I will be working with at Albuquerque Prep and other youth that I work with. I am excited to see what this project will be able to do and the potential impact it could have on other people. There will be plenty more coming on this project soon, and if you are interested in knowing more about what this is going to look like, I am willing to have a conversation with you.
  • If there is enough interest in possible merch, I will look into doing some Lobo Lane Merch that will go into allowing me to do these awesome projects that I believe in! We will look into other ways for people to support this and other projects, but I promise our work will remain free for you to listen to, watch, or read! When the time comes we will let you know how you can support me, and the work that is happening. If you own and business especially in the Albuquerque and surrounding area and want to sponsor episodes of the Pod or other projects reach out and we will see what we can do!

I am impressed with the community that we have built around Lobo Lane, and I am beyond excited as we look to improve and grow the things that we are doing with Lobo Lane and the other projects and areas that I am working. This is going to be an incredible year, and I am excited to have my focus, energy, and passion to provide content, insite, and story telling for the year that will be for every Lobo Athletics team! I hope that you are are ready and excited for the things to come!


Thank you!

  • Zach