Lobo Lane Update


It has been a while since we/I (Zach) have written an article on here, and I thought that it was a great time to change that and give an update on what is going on. First off we (both Jono and Zach) are doing well. Second a lot has happened the last few years both in the world and in our lives, and it has led to a very difficult time to put words into articles. At the end of last summer one of our grandparents fell ill and was up and down for the better part of 4+ months before passing away, this filled with other problems made it difficult to giving you my best work, leading to mostly Twitter coverage. I can say that I am ready for the 2022-2023 sports year, and excited for the stories that will come out of this year. Here are some updates on what we/I hope the 2022-2023 year will look like for Lobo Lane.

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